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Evangelische Gemeinde Deutscher Sprache in Jakarta
Evangelische Gemeinde Deutscher Sprache
Jl. Pejaten Barat I / 4B
Jakarta Selatan 12510
Tel. (62-21) 765-7801
Mobile 0811-106368
Email Ev.KircheIndonesien@gmail.com, trauteongko@yahoo.com, max@cluesserath.de
Website www.evkircheindonesien.org
Contact person: Rev. Dieter Bartsch
Membership in the German Speaking Protestant Congregation is open to men, women and children. The church services have been active since 1975. Current membership is about 100.
Jakarta: Services are held the first and third Sunday each month at 11.00 o clock in the German language. Everyone is welcome.
Bandung and Seminyak, Bali: Regular services are held in the German Christian Community.
Most of our activities are in German.
About Evangelische Gemeinde Deutscher Sprache
We are a congregation for German-speaking people who live in Jakarta and its surrounding areas. The members are mainly from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
At the moment our activities include counseling, bible study group, a literary circle, preparation for confirmation, children's church, father-child group and "Abend der Begegnung" (i.e. community evening). 5 times a year there are ecumenical weekends for families on the Pucak.
The German speaking Protestant and Catholic communities publish their congregations' events in their newsletter "Begegnung."
Last updated August 1, 2014.