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Religious Services in Foreign Languages
Many types of religious services are organized by the expatriate community and services/activities are held in foreign languages (English, French, German, etc.). If there is a significant community for a particular religious group, you can be pretty certain that the members of that community will have formed a group, formal or informal, wherein they can practice their religion together.
The Indonesian constitution recognizes and guarantees religious freedom. The Indonesian government recognizes these six religions for Indonesian citizens: Islam, Christian Protestant, Christian Catholic, Hindu Buddhist, and Confucianism. According to Indonesian law, every citizen has to declare their religion, and this designation is put on a person's official documents, although they have the option to leave that section blank.
If the religion you practice is one of the above, you would be able to join the Indonesian community of followers and worship with them. There may, however, be a language barrier. You may also find differences in the way your religion is practiced within the Indonesian congregation - different from what you are accustomed to in your home country.
If you prefer to practice your religion in your native tongue, you will find that religious services in Indonesia (especially in Jakarta where the expat community is larger) are held in English, Dutch, French, Japanese, Spanish, Korean, Arabic, Tagalog, German, Urdu, Hindi and other languages.
Below is a listing of the various religious services that we have information on. If you have an email contact for a congregation or worship service of expatriates that is not listed below, please share it with us and we will contact the leaders and get complete information from them to post on this website.
Christian Church Services in Jakarta:
Abbalove MarketPlace Ministry Protestant
All Saints Anglican Church Protestant
Catholic Masses and CCD Classes in English Catholic
Catholic Masses in German, French, Korean and Spanish Catholic
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - English congregation - Jakarta
Deutschsprachige Katholische Gemeinde (German Speaking Catholic Community)
Evangelische Gemeinde Deutscher Sprache Protestant (German)
GBI Fatmawati Protestant
GBI Rehobot Ministry Protestant
GSJA International House of Praise (I-HOPE) Protestant
Grace Methodist Church Protestant
Immanuel Church - Protestant (Services in Dutch)
International Charismatic Worship Service
International English Service Protestant
Jakarta Central Church of Seventh Day Adventist Protestant
Jakarta Community Church Protestant
Jakarta International Baptist Church Protestant
Jakarta International Christian Fellowship Protestant
Jakarta International Seventh-day Adventist Church Protestant
Simply Jesus Protestant
The Collective - Protestant
Wesley Methodist Church Jakarta Protestant
Christian Religious Services in Expat Communities Outside Jakarta
Church Services in Bandung, West Java
Bintaro English Service in Bintaro, Tangerang
Church Services in Bogor, West Java
Church Services in Medan, North Sumatra
Church Services in Semarang, Central Java
Muslim Services in Jakarta:
Sisters - expatriate Muslim women's group, Koran reading in English every Thursday 5.30 pm.
These are the larger mosques in Jakarta. To our knowledge, they don't have any English language services:
Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta Pusat
Masjid Sunda Kelapa, Menteng
Masjid Pondok Indah, Pondok Indah
Masjid AT Taqwa, Jl. Sriwijaya, Kebayoran Baru
Masjid Al Azhar, Jl. Singamangaraja, Kebayoran Baru
Hindu Services in Jakarta
Pura Adhitya Jaya
Jln Daksinapati Raya No. 10
Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur 13220
Tel. (62-21) 2957-4898
Dewi Mandir Angkasa
Jl. Angkasa Dalam I No. 29
Jakarta Pusat 10610
Yrl. (62-21) 424-3379
WebsiteLord Mangala Vinayaka Temple
Jl. Pandeglang No. 22
Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10340
Tel. (562-21) 314-4059, 3192-7563
Sikh Services in Jakarta
Gurdwara Jakarta Selatan
Jl Merpati Raya RT 002/RW 03
Sawah Lama, Ciputat
Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15413
Tel. (62-81) 2112-1272
Contact: B. Rahal at (62-21) 739-6561, 0816-953416, 7463-4688
Email info@gurudwaraselatan.org
Website www.gurudwaraselatan.orgGurdwara Pasar Baru
Jl. Pasar Baru Timur No 10
Jakarta Pusat
Tel. (62-21) 384-3338, 345-3735
Email ikhtemplejakarta@gmail.com
Website www.sikhtemplejakarta.com
Gurdwara Tanjung Prior
Jl. Melur IV No. 8
Jakarta Utara 14230
Tel. (62-21) 430-4045
Email gurdwara.tgpriok@khalsa.com
Website www.gurdwara-tgpriok.com
Buddhist Services in Jakarta
Tergar Meditation Center
Green Mansion Daan Mogot Km. 10
Jl. Boulevard Raya Row 47 No 35
Jakarta Barat
Tel. (62-21) 2902 5314, 0838-06922450
Email 0838 0692 2450
Website www.tergarindonesia.com
Confucian (Konghucu) Services in Jakarta
Vihara Bahtera Bakti (Konghucu Temple)
(dedicated to Da Bo Gong)
Jl. Pantai Sanur V No. 38
Ancol, Jakarta Utara 14430
Tel. (62-21) 6471-1173
Majelis Rohani Nasional Bahá’í Indonesia
Kantor Humas dan Pemerintahan
Tel. (021) 345-1509
Mobile 0813-18448889
Email info@bahai.id
Website www.bahai.id
Last updated December 29, 2023