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Registration of Prepaid Hand Phone Cards

A government regulation that took effect on November 1, 2005 requires that all users of prepaid cards for hand phones (cell phones or mobile phones) in Indonesia register their identity for security purposes.

In most cases it is easiest to ask the person or store that you are buying the number from to register the number immediately on the spot. They are usually willing to do this for you for no charge or a very minimal amount. If you choose to do it yourself, registration can be done by sending a free SMS containing the word “daftar” (register) to the number 4444. Each operator will reply with different mechanisms but basically requiring subscribers to send personal details including name, address, place and date of birth, and the number of some kind of identity card.

The system of registration by the three main operators is as follows:


Send an SMS to 4444 “daftar”.

You will receive a reply in 7 stages as follows:

“Tahap 1 dari 7: Selamat datang di registrasi prabayar. Saya melakukan registrasi dg memberikan identitas secara benar & lengkap. Ketik Y utk Setuju, T utk Tidak”

(Stage 1 of 7: Welcome to prepaid registration. I am making the registration giving my true & complete identity. Type Y for Yes, T for No”)

Tahap 2 dari 7: Ketik NAMA<spasi>Nama Anda, kirim ke 4444. Format harus sesuai contoh. Contoh: NAMA Shinta

(Stage 2 of 7: Type NAMA<space>Your Name, send to 4444. Format must be in accordance with the example. Example: NAMA Shinta)

Tahap 3 dari 7: Ketik TTL<spasi>Kota kelahiran#Tgl lahir. FORMAT TANGGAL HRS SESUAI CONTOH. Contoh: TTL Makassar#01-02-1979

(Stage 3 of 7: Type TTL<space>City of birth#Date of birth. FORMAT OF DATE MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EXAMPLE. Example: TTL Makassar#01-02-1979)

Tahap 4 dari 7: Ketik ADDR<spasi>Alamat Anda tanpa nama kota. Contoh: ADDR Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No.42, Pagentan RT 2/RW 11

(Stage 4 of 7: Type ADDR<space>Your address without the name of the city. Example: ADDR Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No.42, Pagentan RT 2/RW 11)

Tahap 5 dari 7: Ketik KOTA<spasi>Kota tempat tinggal Anda#Kodepos. Kodepos harus berupa 5 digit angka. Contoh: KOTA Jakarta#12710

(Stage 5 of 7: Type KOTA<space>City where you live#Postcode. Postcode must comprise 5 digits. Example: KOTA Jakarta#12710)

Tahap 6 dari 7: Ketik ID<spasi>Nomor Identitas (hanya huruf dan angka)#Jenis ID: 1=KTP,2=SIM,3=ITAS,4=Paspor,5=Kartu Pelajar. Contoh: ID 09510513088240#1

(Stage 6 of 7: Type ID<space>Identity Number (only letters and numbers)#Type of ID:

1=KTP (Identity card for Indonesian citizens), 2=Indonesian Driver’s License, 3=ITAS (Temporary residence permit for foreigners), 4=Passport, 5=Student Card. Example: ID 09510513088240#1)

Tahap 7 dari 7: Terima kasih Anda telah melakukan registrasi pelanggan prabayar. Kode konfirmasi Anda adalah ……. Simpan kode konfirmasi Anda.

(Stage 7 of 7: Thank you for registering as a prepaid subscriber. Your confirmation code is ……. Keep your confirmation code.)


Send an SMS to 4444 “daftar”.

You will receive a reply similar to the following:

Ketik no Kartu Tanda Pengenal#Nama Lengkap#Alamat Lengkap#Tempat Lahir#Tanggal Lahir (ddmmyyyy). Kirim ke 4444

(Type Identity Card Number#Full Name#Full Address#Place of Birth#Date of Birth (ddmmyyyy). Send to 4444)

When you have sent the information you will immediately receive the following acknowledgement:

Anda sudah terdafter dalam Program Indosat Prabayar Teregistrasi. Terima Kasih.

(You are registered in Indosat Prepaid Registration Program. Thank you.)

No. registrasi anda …………… Catat dan simpan.

(Your registration number is …………… Take note and keep it.)


Send an SMS to 4444 “daftar”.

You will receive a reply in 2 stages as follows:

DAFTAR 1#nama lkp#tempat lhr#tgl lhr (ddmmyyyy)#jenis kelamin (L/P)

(REGISTER (you should type DAFTAR) 1#full name#place of birth#date of birth (ddmmyyyy)#gender (M/F) (you should type L or P)

DAFTAR 2#no id#tipe id#alamat anda

(REGISTER (type DAFTAR) 2#identity card number#type of identity card#your address)

You will receive confirmation and a registration number after completing the registration process.

A similar system will apply for any other prepaid hand phone cards, such as Telkom’s FLEXI, Mobile-8’s FREN and Bakrie’s ESIA.

Our thanks to Colliers International for their generous contribution of this article!

Last updated May 7, 2014