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Retirement in Indonesia
The warm climes of Indonesia have attracted the attention of retirees from colder climes. Other important issues related to retirement are Purchasing Property, Indonesian income tax and Medical Care.
The retirement visa allows you to live in Indonesia, make multiple trips out of Indonesia during the year, open a local bank account, and get a drivers license, etc. You can NOT do work of any kind in Indonesia on this visa, nor can you legally work remotely with a company in another country on this visa.
If you already decided to retire in Indonesia , there are 2 visa types specifically created for old foreigners , which will allow you do live like Indonesians except working and buying Indonesian land.
1) Retirement Visa
Article 61 of PerMen no.11 Year 2024
(1) Application for a temporary stay visa for elderly aged 55 (fifty five) years or over...for a maximum of (one) year is submitted...by attaching:
a. Passport that is still valid for at least 6 (six) months;
b. Proof of guarantee from the sponsor;
c. Proof of having living expenses for himself/herself and/or his/her family while in Indonesia;
d. Recent color photograph; and
e. Other documents to explain the purpose/objective of the foreigner's arrival.
(2) Other documents as referred to in paragraph (1) letter E are in the form of proof of income of US$3,000 (three thousand US dollars) per month.
(3) Provisions regarding the amount of living expenses as referred to in paragraph (1) letter C are determined by the Director General of Immigration
2) Silver Hair Visa
Article 62 of PerMen no.11 Year 2024
(1) Applications for temporary stay visa for elderly aged 55 (fifty five) years...for a maximum of 5 (five) years are submitted...by attaching:
a. Passport that is still valid for at least 6 (six) months;
b. proof of Immigration Guarantee;
c. proof of having living expenses for himself/herself and/or his/her family while in Indonesia;
d. recent color photograph; and
e. other documents to explain the purpose of the foreigner's arrival.
(2) Proof of Immigration Guarantee as referred to in paragraph (1) letter b in the form of a statement of commitment to deposit funds in an account in one's own name at a state-owned bank worth at least US$50,000 (fifty thousand US dollars) or equivalent which must be fulfilled within a maximum period of 90 (ninety) days from the date the ITAS is granted.
(3) Other documents as referred to in paragraph (1) letter e in the form of proof of income or allowances with a value of US$3,000 (three thousand US dollars) per month.
(4) Provisions regarding the amount of living expenses as referred to in paragraph (1) letter c are determined by the Director General.
The above Visas are followed by e-ITAS (electronic-Temporary Residence Permit)/Re-Entry Permit or KITAS/KITAP (Temporary Residence Permit Card or Permanent Residence Permit Card)/Re-Entry Permit.
Any foreigner can apply for a non-sponsored visa through the official website of the Directorate General of Immigration (https://evisa.imigrasi.go.id/web/visa-selection) . You can get more information at https://www.imigrasi.go.id/.
Cost of Retirement Visa/e-ITAS/Re-Entry and Silver Hair Visa/KITAS/KITAP/Re-Entry:
Cost of Retirement Visa/e-ITAS/Re-Entry and Silver Hair Visa/KITAS/KITAP/Re-Entry (as stated by https://evisa.imigrasi.go.id/web/visa-selection) - September 2024.
1) Retirement Visa : US$150 + Rp2,700,000
But this is what the sponsor pays. To that the sponsor/visa agent will add the sponsorship and services price, which is around Rp 14 million for the first year and Rp 11 million for the subsequent years.
2) Silver Hair Visa: Rp 13 million (5 years)
The price includes e-ITAS + Re-Entry Permit
Cost Comparison of "Retirement Visa" option with "Silver Hair" option
1) One year on Retirement Visa/e-ITAS/Re-entry Permit is approx. Rp 11.5 million (bureaucracy done by the agent/sponsor). The agent/sponsor will do & charge for any other Immigration process which may arise, like change of: passport, address, civil status and sponsor.
2) One year on Silver Hair Visa/e-ITAS/Re-entry Permit = 1/5 of Rp 13 million = Rp 2.6 million (if you do the bureaucracy yourself)". Reporting yourself the changes in civil status & address will cost Rp 500,000 per report.
More data from https://evisa.imigrasi.go.id/web/visa-selection :
1) Retirement Visa (E33F):
- Stay: Up to 1 Year
This visa's stay permit is extendable.
Cost: US$150 + Rp 2,700,000
With this visa you can: - Carry out activities related to business, meetings, or purchase of goods including but not limited to checking goods at the office, factory, or production site of goods.
- Bring eligible family to live in Indonesia.
- Travel to and from Indonesia.
- Conduct activities related to tourism, and visiting friends or family.
Other information:
- Staying in Indonesia over the period of your stay permit, engaging in prohibited activities, not complying with visa conditions, and/or not complying with Indonesian laws may result in you paying fines, being deported, and/or other legal charges.
- In addition to the electronic limited stay permit, the limited stay permit also has a physical card available at the immigration office.
You are prohibited from selling goods or services.
You are prohibited from working by receiving compensation, wages, or any similar from individuals or companies in Indonesia.
Document Requirements
- Passport valid for at least 6 (six) months (for holders of travel documents other than passports such as emergency passports, documents of identity, etc. must be valid for 12 months).
- Personal bank statement with minimum amount USD $2000 or equivalent the last 3 months period (including name, date of period, and balance account).
- Recent photograph.
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Travel Itinerary.
- Guarantee from the guarantor.
Bank account proving income or allowance with a value of US$3,000 per month.
Visa Validity: you have 90 days (from the issuance date) to enter Indonesia.
2) Silver Hair Visa (E33E)
Stay: Up to 5 Years (Extendable)
Cost: IDR 13,000,000 (5 years)
The price includes e-ITAS + Re-Entry Permit
With this visa you can:
- Live in Indonesia.
- Travel to and from Indonesia as many times you want.
You must: - Report accounts in state-owned banks to the immigration office within 90 days after the date of entry.
- Be financially sufficient during your stay in Indonesia.
- Comply with all visa conditions and Indonesia laws.
Other information - If you meet the conditions, you will automatically obtain the Electronic Limited Stay Permit (e-ITAS) and the Re-Entry Permit upon arrival at the Immigration Checkpoint (you do not need to go to the immigration office to obtain a Limited Stay Permit and Re-Entry Permit).
- Staying in Indonesia over the period of your stay permit, engaging in prohibited activities, not complying with visa conditions, and/or not complying with Indonesian laws may result in you paying fines, being deported, and/or other legal charges.
- In addition to the electronic limited stay permit, the limited stay permit also has a physical card available at the immigration office.
Document Requirements: - Valid Nationality Passport at least 6 (six) months.
- Latest color photograph.
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Travel Itinerary.
- Statement of commitment that the applicant will deposit funds in an account in his/her own name worth at least US$50,000 (fifty thousand US dollars) in a state-owned bank.
- Proof of income or benefits with a minimum value of US$3,000 (three thousand US Dollars) per month.
Visa Validity : you have 90 days (from the issuance date) to enter Indonesia .
Source: Immigration website
Other Immigration Processes
We must report any change in civil status or address within 60 days.
Immigration Law No. 6 Year 2011
Article 71
Each foreigner residing in Indonesia shall:
a. provide all necessary information regarding his/her identity and / or identity of his/her family, and report any changes in : civil status, nationality, occupation, sponsorship, or a change of address to the local Immigration Office; ...
Article 116
Each foreigner who do not perform his/her obligations as stipulated in Article 71 shall be punished with a maximum confinement of 3 months or a fine of up to 25 million.
Residence Identity Documents
a) SKTT/Residence Certificate (for e-ITAS/KITAS holder)
b) KTP OA/Foreigner's Identity Card & KK OA/Foreigner's Family Card (for KITAP holder)
These documents are issued by the city's popularly known Kantor Catatan Sipil/Civil Register Office, where you will also get other documents like your children's birth certificate.
For information on these documents/registrations please visit the Visas and Documents page
Indonesian Income Tax for Retirees
We haven't heard of anyone having to pay this tax on their global income.
Property Ownership for Foreigners
Ownership is a complicated process mainly because foreigners cannot legally own Indonesian land and there are many other limitations like price, size, and supply. See Buying Property in Indonesia
Pension/Social Security Funds
Retirees will need to decide how best to get their Pension/Social Security Funds transferred to them in Indonesia.
While there are retirees that chose to have their funds deposited directly into an Indonesian bank account, many others choose to have their funds transferred in an account in their home country and then just transfer money as needed to an Indonesian bank, or through ATM withdrawals, due to higher confidence in the foreign banking systems, and for tax reasons.
Factors to consider:
- which remittance method has lower fees
- what the currency exchange rate is
- timing your transfer when the exchange rate is good
- how long it takes you to get the money
- what to do in case of emergencies
- online access to accounts
- if the transfer is paid out in Indonesia in your currency or Indonesian rupiah
See our article on Banking in Indonesia for more information on the banking system in Indonesia, transferring funds, credit cards, ATM, etc.
See info on US Social Security funds deposited direct to an Indonesian bank.
Information for UK retirees on State Pensions if you retire abroad.
A site that compares companies that transfer money internationally.
Household Shipments on a Retirement Visa
Indonesian Customs NO longer allows a privilege of free import duty to retirement visa holders. Import Duty Fees will apply to the shipment. The privilege of free import duty is provided by the Indonesian Customs one time only to those who are holding BOTH KITAS (residential permit) and IMTA (employment permit) with the validity of one year. Import Duty will apply to incomplete documents and/or the validity of less than 12 months. To obtain the free import duty facility, the customs clearance process must be within three months of your arrival to reside in Indonesia.
Indonesians returning to Indonesia require a "Surat Keterangan Barang Pindahan/Surat Keterangan Pindah" reference letter and certified (stamped) packing list from the local Indonesia Embassy. The shipment will not be cleared without the reference letter. List all items to be shipped and getting approval that this is in fact a household good shipment (as opposed to someone shipping in new goods to be sold). List the larger items (2 beds, 6 chairs) and smaller items can be grouped (2 boxes bedroom linens, 3 boxes children's books, etc.). This statement letter from the Consulate/Embassy will be stamped (consularized) and attached to the packing list in the shipping documents.
Shipments under the name of Indonesians married to a (non-employed) foreigner will need to obtain the reference letter from the local embassy and will need to pay Import Duty. The shipment will NOT be cleared without the reference letter from the consulate. This letter is consularized by the Consulate as proof of your overseas residence.
We suggest that you use "door to door" shipment services so that the moving company in Indonesia can sort out the paperwork and clearance for you. Just talk with your moving company in Indonesia first and discuss that that you are on a retirement visa/ITAS, so there won't be any working permit requirement applied for the shipment clearance.
Door to port shipping will be cheaper, but you'll have to deal with the customs officials yourself (not advised), or through a separately hired clearance Indonesian agent. Time your shipment so that it's not sitting in the Indonesian port facility for a long time, incurring storage charges.
See Import Regulations for Used HOushold Goods & Personal Effects
See Moving companies in Indonesia.
FAQ about Retirement Visas
Does a retirement visa include the police check? No police check is required for this visa.
What is the normal way people rent an apartment for the retirement visa? Usually owners require an one year contract , but there are few that rent per day/week/month too .
Do I come on a tourist visa, setup a place to rent. Start the retirement visa, head back to my home country? Retirement Visa now can be with (1 year visa) or without a sponsor (5 years visa). Sponsors usually required payment in advance, so if you can't trust the sponsor it would be better you come with a tourist visa to choose a sponsor who you can trust .
After starting the Retirement Visa when in Indonesia, if necessary to go abroad and return, people just choose to go to a nearby country (Singapore or Malaysia). If am not mistaken, you may choose a tourist visa that will not require you to leave Indonesia.
Worried about HOT Tropical Weather in Indonesia?
Here are the Indonesian cities with the coolest temperatures (due mostly to elevation)
- Mulia, Puncak Jaya, Papua (altitude 2'448 m)
- Lembang, Bandung, Jawa Barat (1'300 m - 2'100 m)
- Mamasa, Sulawesi Barat (max. 1'900 m , average 1'200 m))
- Berastagi, Karo, Sumatra Utara (1'300 m)
- Ciwidey, Bandung, Jawa Barat (1'200 m , ~ 44 Km from Bandung)
- Batu, Malang, Jawa Timur (700 m - 1'700 m)
- Ruteng, Manggarai, Nusa Tenggara Timur (1'200 m)
- Gayo Lues, Aceh (1'000 m)
- Baturraden, Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah (980 m)
- Padang Panjang, Padang, Sumatera Barat (650 m - 950 m)
- Waghete, Deiyai, Papua (max. ~ 15 degrees Celsius)
- Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah (max. ~ 18 degrees Celsius)
Interesting Retirement-related Sites
Frozen in Indonesia: Information for UK Pensioners in Indonesia
Last updated September 24, 2024